Electrifying Our Schools

This event highlighted green and healthy schools with a focus on all-electric HVAC systems. Most of our school buildings are still reliant on aging fossil fuel systems that undermine student health and learning and are a growing liability for municipal budgets. New financial resources offer an opportunity for districts to jumpstart school building electrification by improving HVAC systems. During this session, we reviewed the new resources available and highlighted leading efforts in the state. This webinar was intended for non-technical audiences.

Our guest speakers will included:

Sara Ross

Co-founder of UndauntedK12
on making the case for all-electric schools and leveraging new federal and local incentives supporting school electrification

Pip Lewis

Principal with HMFH Architects
on designing Boston’s new Josiah Quincy Upper School.

Talia Fox

Sustainability Manager with the Town of Arlington
on Arlington’s Air Quality and Electrification Master Plan.

Watch the recording: